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One easy step to slashing your Energy Bill

We all know that heating your greenhouse is an absolute must as the winds and rains rage just outside your protective greenhouse covering.  In reality that covering is the only thing keeping the harsh weather from destroying your stock, much like a wall holding back an ocean of water. If one rock slips, there’s water where it shouldn’t be. If your poly film gets one hole, there’s cold air where it shouldn’t be. So how do you make sure that you’re wall works? Or how do you ensure your Greenhouse Covering keeps the warm in and the cold out?

The answer is simpler than you might have thought. The greatest way to lower your heating costs is choosing the right material to cover your greenhouse. Solexx Greenhouse Paneling is the right choice. Not only does it have a higher R value than 8mm Polycarbonate. It won’t puncture, rip, fly away, or get brittle.

Pretty good Deal, huh? We want to make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck because sadly, money doesn’t grow on the trees you have in your greenhouse.

People using Solexx across the country save thousands of dollars on heating bills each month. Imagine how much you can save with the Solexx 10 year warranty.

Click here to take our Free Energy Audit. Just fill in the information on the survey and we’ll compare your current greenhouse with what your heating costs would be using Solexx as your greenhouse covering. You’ll see real statistics from the official USDA website on energy savings.

Stop heating the outdoors; give us a call (877) 476-5399