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Supply Chain Shortages Effecting Greenhouse Growers

Adapt8 CEO, Michelle Moore was recently interviewed by Greenhouse Grower Magazine about the supply chain challenges facing greenhouse suppliers and growers. Greenhouse growers saw a boom in sales during the last two years. As covid forced people to stay home, people flocked to garden centers to spruce up their living space. Additionally, record low interest rates created a housing boom – which always corresponds to an increase in plant sales. Nursery sales in Oregon reached a record $1.19 billion.

This unanticipated surge in demand left growers trying to maintain inventory. The plastics market took a hit with an unprecedented ice storm in Texas that shut down resin production facilities for several weeks. Suddenly lead times for greenhouse plastic and flower pots doubled or tripled. High demand and low supply has forced companies to plan ahead and get creative across the entire horticultural supply chain.

This recent article in Greenhouse Grower Magazine provides some advice to greenhouse growers from their vendors…

Sparks: As you talk to your grower customers, what are you telling them about how they can plan ahead?

Moore: I think the messaging is that this is not normal times, and the longer that you can plan ahead and have a better understanding of your project, the less it’s going to cost overall because you’re not going to get into work stoppages or other issues. The other key is having a lot more communication and a longer time frame for planning. If you are planning a project but are not communicating with your vendors, you lose a lot of control.

Click here to read the full story.

For help planning your next greenhouse project, email info@adapt8.us or call 877-476-5399.