The Michigan Energy Office provides loans up to $400,000 to farms and small businesses to help fund energy efficiency improvements. To qualify, you must staff fewer than 500 employees, own the facility and match the grant amount by 100%. Interest rates are 5% or less. This is a perfect opportunity to help fund recovering your … Continued

We all know that heating your greenhouse is an absolute must as the winds and rains rage just outside your protective greenhouse covering.  In reality that covering is the only thing keeping the harsh weather from destroying your stock, much like a wall holding back an ocean of water. If one rock slips, there’s water … Continued

Adapt8 tree guards have been used in the Nursery industry for many years for tree trunk protection.  They provide an easy, inexpensive solution to pests, frost, machinery damage and sunscald. There are many types of trees that can benefit from tree guards because of their thin cambium layer. This layer is directly under the outside … Continued

Solexx: Better light diffusion and more insulation than polycarbonate Adaptive Plastics is a U.S. company founded over 25 years ago and specializes in the sale of its trademarked Solexx greenhouse covering; a material designed to be long-lasting and to resist both hot and cold temperatures. “Solexx provides better light diffusion and more insulation than polycarbonate, as … Continued

One of the more popular features of the Solexx greenhouse covering is that it produces a diffused light. Adapt8 has always promoted the value of having no hot spots or shadows in your greenhouse when you grow with Solexx. We also indicated that previous studies and customer testimonials have suggested diffused light produces healthier plants … Continued

The USDA has added Solexx Twin-Wall polyethylene greenhouse covering to its list of materials to cover greenhouses. What does this mean to you?  It means you can create a virtual greenhouse just like your real one and compare covering materials to see what gives you the best insulation value and saves you the most in fuel … Continued

One of the great things about working in the gardening industry is the opportunity to connect with new gardeners. At a recent open house event, one of my favorite returning customers stopped by our Fresh-from-the-Garden Salsa demonstration booth. She was all agog over a basket of fresh tomatoes, peppers and onions I was using to … Continued